This month I celebrated my 32nd birthday. You would think, one last hurrah before I'm forever with plus one. Not the case as one thing I’ve discovered over the past few years is that people seem to stop truly celebrating birthdays as adults. I’m not a fan of this ‘collective’ decision. I think that birthdays should be a BIG deal. Think about it… you’re celebrating the fact that someone in your life, whether it’s a sibling, a partner, lover, friend, parent, co worker or someone else you adore somehow or someone that is a part of your existence also exists. That’s worth celebrating.
YES it is!
I mean, seriously - is it really too much to ask to have a scantily clad person jump out of a massive cake rather than just make jokes about getting "up there"?
Normally I’d be the type of person to take all of those words and sing them from the rooftops, throw a big party for myself, ensuring I get to celebrate my life and that I’ve gotten through another year and reflect on all the lessons associated with the past 365 days. I’m stronger, wiser and frankly I think I’ve become WAY sexier in my 30s than I ever was in my 20s. But this year, between buying and renovating a new house, packing up the old one, preparing for our first baby and getting through organizing and running the special events and concerts I committed to pre pregnancy, the desire to really celebrate just wasn’t there. On my part or those around me.
(Although I tried... and there was some black light mini putt action - good times.
See I'm still positive- ish) :)
Even though my mind was accepting in that logic, my emotions were not. I’m chalking it up to the second round of pregnancy hormones, but wow… did I ever feel alone this year. I couldn’t stop myself from looking at the phone 18 times hoping for a call from family, from longing for lemonade (spiked with something I can’t have for another 3 months) while lying in the grass. Hell, I even started hoping the boy would show up after ripping up carpets in the new house with a bouquet of flowers, or that friends would appear on my doorstep with a cupcake and a candle. Really? Do people even DO that outside of bubbalicious romantic comedies? No such luck. Here I am. Getting older and not celebrating it. hmpf.I'm not bitter .... really.
I'm just saying I would have taken a nice gesture over an actual gift...
Why I do believe it’s my first case of the birthday blues.
And, like I said... Hormones.