When we struggled with how to handle our daughter’s biting/hitting/kicking/pinching/slapping, a lot of people – friends and strangers alike – tended to comment the same way, “oh, wait until she hits those terrible twos” and smile sweetly as if they know terrible secrets of what’s to come.
Well, here we are. The second birthday has passed. My suit of armour is shined and I’m ready for battle. Let’s be honest, the tantrums have been happening for a while and the comments have been happening even longer. While we tend to think, “people just like to give advice,” I’m starting to think people simply like to add another to their circle of misery. What’s that they say about it enjoying company?
I’m not quite sure where the incessant need to crap on
someone’s parade comes from, rather than offer solutions or introduce other
parents to tactics that might encourage her to be more gentle. Is it like this
all over the globe? Or is this a horrible first world problem that just needs
to stop?
Mama drama, competitive playgroups and partner and MIL
bitching sessions aside, I want to know why people insist on pointing out how
much worse it’s going to get!
Telling me today that my daughter’s massive, epic shit storm is nothing in comparison of what’s to come isn’t going to make me feel better about having to deal with today.
Telling me today that my daughter’s massive, epic shit storm is nothing in comparison of what’s to come isn’t going to make me feel better about having to deal with today.
Is it because they feel the responsibility to warn parents
that the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan? Do they feel that because
they had to endure it, now it’s their turn to sit on higher ground watching someone
else go through it?
So here’s a thought... all the parents who now have young
toddlers, let’s take a vow to refrain from telling new moms it’s going to get
worse. Let’s instead offer encouragement. I’m not talking about blowing smoke
and making things seem all rosy - always be REAL! But, hey teething sucks,
growing pains are tough, brain development is happening at a rapid pace and we
already know these are going to be hard years ahead. How about we tell our
friend, or that stranger in the park who is on the verge of tears because her
kid just bit her, ran away and is climbing on top of the four year old by the
slide and simply won’t listen to her, that she is an INCREDIBLE MOM and offer
to help!
I want people in my life who make a choice to help each
other through the tantrums with funny tales, who will be there through the
breakdowns with a hug – because tears flow after you’ve been kicked in the nose
for the fourth time that day – or bring coffee (or even better, wine) to
parents who have had especially long, difficult days. My favorite: show up at
their doorstep unannounced when you know they’ve had a sleepless night and
offer to take the kid for a walk so they can nap, or read, or sit in a tub with
a glass of wine. Yes, you are seeing a trend – every mama needs wine!
Let’s come together to make the twos (and from what I’m
hearing now... threes) a little more bearable.
What have you done to help out a
new parent with a crazy toddler?
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