Tuesday 1 January 2013

Balance and the death of a DJ

It's said the way you spend your New Year's Eve is how you'll spend the next year. Last year, I welcomed 2012 surrounded by friends, dancing more in one night than I had in the months leading up to it, and ingesting a substantial amount of alcohol. It was my first party night sans bebe. Just after midnight, a friend of mine and I made our way back to our significant others for kisses and the reminder that even though we have families, we're still able to tear up a dance floor. It was a night of struggling to find a balance between the two. 

2012 was a year of finding balance within. 

I learned how to set boundaries for myself and for those in my life. I traveled to Europe with a baby on my back and reaffirmed that I'm capable of anything. The most important thing I learned was to listen to myself. To let go of fear and follow my own path. Not the path I began a journey down when I was 18 but the one I am meant to be on now. I left radio after 15 years. And I started writing again.

Leaving my career has been the most pivotal change I have made in my life, next to deciding to have a child. I walked away from the first thing I was ever truly passionate about. Because I wasn't passionate anymore. So many factors came into play when deciding to shift my life so drastically. I won't bore you with a long list of reasons. Just know I don't regret it for a moment. Although, I do really miss the dental. 

While I continue to feed new passions, I am learning that there is so much more to me than being the radio chick; the girl with the "easy job" (if people only knew). Just as 2012 was about ensuring I was self identifying as more than just a new mom, 2013 will see me embracing the death of a DJ and the discovery of my authentic self. 

2012 was an incredibly challenging year for me and I don't anticipate this year to be any less so, as I continue to shift, change, evolve and develop into the amazing and passionate woman I know I'm capable of being.

Much like last year, we rang in 2013 with a combination of family, toddler friendly events, music, fizzy drinks and laughter with friends. Although finding a balance wasn't quite the struggle it had been a year prior. Here's to peace within, embracing change and accepting the challenges which will inevitably allow us to grow.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post! I've been thinking of you! Last year was such a fun New Years celebration for me. This year, we tried to watch a movie, but it didn't work and then I fell asleep at 10:30pm. I hope that isn't a prediction of what is to come!

